Home AI coding model, GPT-4, struggles with safe programming practices

AI coding model, GPT-4, struggles with safe programming practices

Programming AI like you’re having a chat over coffee has always seemed like a fairytale dream, right? Well, like most fairytales, this one’s got its own set of monsters too. An AI model, GPT-4, being utilized to spit out programming language hasn’t exactly been playing by the rules, according to a recent study from Arxiv.org. This benevolent beast, despite showing remarkable prowess in generating code, seems to be flunking the safety test with a whopping 62% of the code it generates containing API misuses. It’s akin to having a super advanced car that looks sleek and drives fast but sporadically switches lanes without signaling. Cool, but is it safe?

Conversing in Code: A Double-edged Sword?

These AI models, like GPT-4, have empowered engineers to stimulate their creativity by consulting with them for coding queries and it’s revolutionizing language models in a big way. But with every leap forward, it’s important to glance back and ensure we’re not about to stumble over an overlooked speedbump. This recent discovery of carefree AI behaviour has the potential of leaving a nasty dent, if not handled with caution. It’s key to remembering that while advancements are exciting, safety and accuracy should never play second fiddle.

As we venture deeper into this fascinating AI narrative, let’s remember to hold tight to the reins of safety. It’s always a great ride, but even better when we’ve checked the brakes. So, keep exploring, keep innovating, but remember – safety first!

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