Home Farewell to Cortana: Microsoft’s big change for Windows 11

Farewell to Cortana: Microsoft’s big change for Windows 11

Imagine, if you will, the culinary world’s response if I suddenly stopped using my favourite herb, rosemary, in my dishes. There would be confusion, surprise, perhaps even outrage. That’s precisely the pot that Microsoft has stirred up by removing Cortana, its voice assistant, from Windows 11. Cortana was once an integral ingredient in the recipe of Microsoft’s operating system, much like rosemary in my roasted potatoes. And now, it’s gone.

The Big Change: Cortana’s End

Picture the first time you step into a kitchen as a novice cook. Everything seems complex, strange, and even a tad terrifying. However, as you fumble around with your first few recipes, there are guidebooks, or assistants if you will, guiding you. Cortana was like that for many – a guiding voice in the labyrinth of technology. Its removal can feel as daunting as removing the training wheels on a bicycle for the first time. Yet, change often heralds evolution, much like how the intimidating Thai Green Curry of mine transformed into a beloved comfort dish once I learned the nuances.

New Flavours on the Horizon

As disconcerting as the disappearance of a favourite dish from your local bistro’s menu can be, remember this: It usually paves the way for new and more exciting culinary experiences. Microsoft promises the same with the end of Cortana. They’re cooking up fresh bets to enhance the user’s experience, perhaps creating a more vibrant and nuanced flavour profile than Cortana ever produced. Much like my ever-evolving menu, I see this as a natural part of growth in technology or indeed, in any craft.

Curious to learn more about this game-changing move? Dig into the juicy details in the original article here. Remember, this shift may seem as drastic as removing garlic from an Italian kitchen, but who knows what new flavours will be discovered as a result? As befits our digital age and my culinary adventures, only time will tell. Credit for the original publication goes to ‘Hipertextual’.

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